
Posts Tagged ‘destiny’

I start where

In Beliefs, Life, Love, Mystery, People on 01/25/2013 at 1:17 am


By Junate E.

A tiny drop in grief
not confident,
looking below
on the edge of
a dewy daffodil leaf.

Soon, new drops pushes it,
yes, it’s a choice
that needs to be made:
to fall or not to fall…

Just then,
a woman rushes uphill
in bloody sweat,
who knows in what part
of her poor land?

But, she can not stop
while being chased;
her village in ruins,
all the family murdered,
and, all she knows,
she must not fall,
and keep her head raised.

In a faraway country,
it’s 3:20 am and cold,
the guy got late on brake
could not see the truck
and veered off the road
down the cliff in shake.

What he did last was
to turn back
to clutch the baby
at the back in her seat;
all parts of the car dispersed.

Do you see his hand?
It has already grabbed the seat,
it’s a miracle, the baby survives…

Soon, a villager running down,
baby cries put him in alarm.
The baby already fainted,
when he hit the car debris.

Will the baby survive?
who knows?
By the way,
you know,
nobody asked him
if he wanted to be born

Now, you see?
I start where you end,
What is the destiny?
What is fair or not?
So, drink it,
My poison is your remedy…

Look at the Sun
as it sets down,
or, really does it?
Don’t you know, Nerd?
it also rises
at the same time
at the other side
of the World…

What is the destiny?
I start where you end!